
Tag Archives: office

Upon entering our office at the FC, one of the first things that will catch anyone’s attention is the text written on a whiteboard mounted on the wall. It is a mundance piece of self-undertaking that we will only consider a certain man to be The One (meaning he is more lovable than our job) if and only if he possesses specific qualities:

“I’m in love with my job. I looooove my job, and when I find someone whom I’ll love more than my job, and if he, too, likes:

Harry Potter – Kiteng and Jad

Star Wars – Kiteng

Wicked and Rent – Jad

Books – Kiteng and Jad

… and if he has good grammar and spelling, that’s how I’ll know he’s the one.”

Our other roommate, Danyx (who has a boyfriend, by the way) told me earlier, however, that I will never find a guy who likes Wicked and Rent, which now makes my quest for the perfect man seemingly impossible. I, therefore, decided to change “Wicked and Rent” to “kids”, a decision which prompted Kiteng to scrunch up her face with annoyance. See, she doesn’t like kids that much. Nevertheless, since “Wicked and Rent” are so close to my heart, I wrote a little addendum: “… it’s a +++ if he, too, likes Wicked, Rent, and Ugly Betty”. Ugly Betty made the list because it’s my current addiction. I had enough common sense not to include The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants seeing as, I believe, a guy who likes the Sisterhood series could very well be my sister. Danyx then wrote, “no decent guy would like these”.

I guess I’m being too idealistic. Although I believe in romantic love, I guess, as the Italian guy in The Wedding Planner puts it, “love doesn’t have to be perfect; it’s just love.”

Warning: The next paragraph is extremely cheesy. Read at your own risk!

So a guy who has good grammar and spelling, and likes Harry Potter, books, Wicked, Rent and Ugly Betty? Maybe those qualities seem a little too superficial. Maybe what I really need is a guy I can be silly with, who treats me well and loves being with me despite our dissimilar likes and dislikes. Maybe then we can be crazy together in an imperfect world.

Anyway, cheers to everyone who thinks The One is out there. The odds may be stacked against us but we are still the hopeful ones. Sometimes we lose but what the hell… caveat emptor!!!